About Medilex
Medilex Medical has represented many internationally renowned medical device manufacturers in the Interventional Cardiology, Radiology and Peripheral Vascular space in Ireland since 2007.
We supply a specialised portfolio of products for interventional procedures including coronary stents; PTCA, PTA and CTO balloons along with a range of vascular accessories including sheaths, guidewires, biopsy instruments and angiography procedure packs.
With our hands-on and consultative approach, we are committed to providing clinicians with the most effective product solutions, resulting in improved patient outcomes.
Medilex Medical was acquired by KanDo Medical in 2021.
As part of the KanDo Medical group, Medilex Medical joins sister company Fleetwood Healthcare which specialises in the delivery of single-use medical devices for GI endoscopy, urology and surgical procedures.
KanDo Medical partners and customers can expect:
- Full adherence to EU MDR legislation
- Strong process controls supported by a robust QMS: ISO9001:2015 certified
- End-End service offering: customer service, warehousing, finance & regulatory functions based in our head office in Bray, Co. Wicklow
- Efficient distribution network with the option of same day & next day delivery
- All-Ireland service offering with office and logistics capabilities in both Wicklow and Belfast